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Bell Schedules

PHS Bell Schedules

Pattonville High School operates on a block schedule consisting of A, B and C days.  For example, a normal five-day week would be A,A,B,C,A.  Below are the class period schedules for those days. Unless otherwise noted in an announcement, this will be the schedule for the current school year. 

Pirate Life Calendar

Printable Bell Schedule

A Days: Monday, Tuesday, Friday
  • 1st Hour: 7:23-8:12
  • 2nd Hour: 8:18-9:07
  • 3rd Hour: 9:13-10:05
  • 4th Hour: 10:11-11:00
  • 5th Hour (including lunches): 11:06-12:28
  • 1st Lunch: 11:00-11:32
  • 2nd Lunch: 11:32-12:03
  • 3rd Lunch: 12:03-12:34
  • 6th Hour: 12:34-1:23
  • 7th Hour: 1:29-2:18
B Days: Wednesdays
  • 1st Hour: 7:23-8:53
  • 3rd Hour: 8:59-10:30
  • 5th Hour (including lunches): 10:36-12:42
  • 1st Lunch: 10:30-11:01
  • 2nd Lunch: 11:07-11:38
  • 3rd Lunch: 12:11-12:42
  • 7th Hour: 12:48-2:18 PM
C Days: Thursdays (1:19 Dismissal)
  • 2nd Hour: 7:23-8:53
  • Homeroom: 8:59-9:35
  • 4th Hour: 9:41-11:11
  • 6th Hour (including lunches): 11:17-1:19
  • 1st Lunch: 1:11-11:41
  • 2nd Lunch : 11:47-12:19
  • 3rd Lunch: 12:49-1:19
X Days: These are similar to C days but include extended time for homeroom (2:18 Dismissal)
  • 2nd Hour: 7:23-8:53
  • Homeroom: 8:59-10:30
  • 4th Hour (including lunches): 10:36-12:42
  • 1st Lunch: 10:30-11:01
  • 2nd Lunch: 11:07-11:38
  • 3rd Lunch: 12:11-12:42
  • 6th Hour: 12:48-2:18

Lunch Shifts

There are 3 lunch shifts based on 5th hour classes (6th on C days and 4th on X days):

1st Lunch

Art, Business/Technology, FACS, Music, Science

2nd Lunch

Social Studies, Communication Arts, and POSITIVE School

3rd Lunch

Math, Modern Language, PE, Health     

2-Hour Late Start Schedules

A 2-HOUR LATE START SCHEDULE may be used for a delayed school start time for events such as inclement weather. The schedules are linked below:

High School Late Start Schedule

Positive School Late Start Schedule

Go to the District Calendar