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Band and color guard performing at Homecoming football game

Be Respectful  •  Be Responsible  •  Be InvolvedThe Pirate Code

Student Records


PowerSchool Portal

Login from your Google Apps menu or select the "student login" button. Find attendance, returning student registration, schedules, forms, final term grades, report cards, and bus routes here.

Learning Platform


Canvas Login

Login from your Google Apps menu or select the "student" button. Access day-to-day assignments, grades, feedback, messaging, and learning resources in Canvas.

College & Career


Schoolinks Login

Login with Clever or Google. Take personality and career inventory assessments to find out where your strengths can take you. Search for colleges, careers, military options, and scholarship opportunities as well.



Clever Login

Login with Active Directory (username/password).Clever connects you to learning resources like Discovery Education, some Textbooks, and other education apps your teachers need you to have.


Helpdesk Icon

High School Tech Help Center

William Roach - Technology Aide
(314) 213-8404
Internal Extension: 6800

Search for Courses

The PHS course catalog is housed in Schoolinks. Filter the catalog by subject or search by course name.

Course Catalog

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